Courtesy of Zone1Radio, London’s city-wide internet radio station, the E-mail from America is a missive from across the Atlantic, from the US for their transatlantic cousins.
Hosted by ZoneOne’s illegitimate ex-patriot son, the Atlantic Voice’s very own Zeff,
the E-mail brings a little taste of American life back to his hometown. Interviews, features, guests,
mixed in with some great America muisc, the E-mail is informative, interesting, and just a little irreverent, thanks in no small part to Zeff’s transatlantic perspective.
Which brings us to the E-mail From America RAW! To fit the radio format, the interviews and features sometimes have to squeezed, edited and shaped, but Zone 1 have given the Atlantic Voice the opportunity to host that original material in it’s entirety – RAW!
So check out the E-mail from America RAW! and in the words of the US Navy’s Top Gun training squadron “Have a Bandit Day!”